The light was spotted one day before President Barack Obama was scheduled to give an acceptance speech in Oslo, Norway for his Nobel Peace Prize.
More here.
I have included two amazing streaming vids for your examination.
I have a little background in researching very similar phenomena. They are trying to explain it away but this is huge. Our atmosphere is electrostatically charged beyond its normal capacity by the release of barium sulfate in our skies (the chemtrails everyone talks about) and coupled with space based scalar beams this spiral effect is exactly what happens. The applications for the dispersal of these agents are countless but the biggest, as far as the military is concerned, is over-the-horizon signal propagation. HAARP can be used with this charged layer to scramble the internal clocks in ICBMs upon re-entry into the troposphere.
Snips from some of my own research:
"By electrostatically charging (chemtrail spraying) the air to the capacity required for SkyNet (the medium that the military's global battle command utilizes - the OTH layer), weather modification happens but me thinks that the overall communications security concerns for the defense establishment are primary here, meaning that over-the-horizon (OTH) radar, SkyNet (a prerequisite for pulling off the remotely-controlled Operation Two Towers), enhancing signal strength in some areas (in conjunction with ops) while stifling it in others, electrostatic pulse bombs (the air BECOMES a medium that is volatile) designed to take out your local server are the deciding factors as to what types of climate engineering will happen on a given day. I am sure all of this is ALSO a convenient screen for the testing of biologicals and pharmaceuticals."
"Sundogs and the Aurora Borealis are examples of ambient plasmas. So are 'artificial ionospheric mirrors' to employ the USAF's terminology. Those would be CHEMTRAILS."
"...the barium (the light, extremely conductive ambient plasma key ingredient) has something to do with duplicating the auroral effect (sundogs) of the aurora borealis and it seems probable that the experiments with HAARP triggered this line of thinking."
AND the Division of Plasma Physics, one of three divisions at the Alfvén Laboratory had this posted at their website a few years ago (don't know if it is still there):
"The Alfvén Laboratory group is responsible for the double-probe electric field instrument on the Swedish Freja satellite. Freja has now been operating for more than three years and the electric field experiment has been fully operational throughout this time. The strongest electric fields ever observed in space plasmas (more than 2 V/m), associated with low-conductivity regions such as east-west-aligned optically black bands or vortex streets of black auroral curls, have been discovered by the Freja double-probe instrument. It has been found that these intense electric fields are often diverging and possibly associated with downward electric fields that give rise to upward acceleration of ionospheric electrons and ion precipitation. The characteristics of the electric field around large scale auroral surges and spirals have been investigated and found to be inconsistent with existing theories of the electrodynamics of auroral surges."
Chemtrail Schemes
Chemtrails Create Drought
Some time ago, I came across a photo when doing a Google image search for "chemtrails." One of the items I found (I wish I remembered where I got it - wasn't always the most organized researcher) can be seen below in the form of a thumbnail (click on it). Until now, I had not heard or seen anything in photographic or video evidence to liken it to. My theories turn out to be correct. As well, until now, that last little quote's importance escaped me.

Is the below video demonstrating a similar or identical phenomenon?
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